Andrew and I will have been together for 8 years this March. 8 years is a lot of presents being exchanged! Valentine's day is always a little weird when it comes to presents, because it is so close to the present-exchange that is December (both of our birthdays and Christmas), and it is also the month before our anniversary. Plus, neither of us are very interested in receiving traditional Valentine's day gifts of heart shaped boxes of chocolates or flowers.
Valentine's Day 2015, when we coincidentally got each other the same cards. |
Over the years, we have decided different things when it comes to exchanging gifts on Valentine's day. Creating a plan or guidelines really helps once you are this many Valentine's days into a relationship. One year, we decided to stick to a $25 budget each, which made for a more creative gift-giving/shopping process. Last year, we decided the limit would be $100. Setting a budget is a great idea for couples who have been through several of these Hallmark holidays already but still want to do something fun for each other besides going to dinner (especially if one partner's love language is gifts).
This year, we haven't really discussed what we are doing for Valentine's day, even though it will be here before we know it. I haven't even thought about getting him anything, which is unusual for me. One idea we are toying with for this year's Valentine's day is both setting a smaller limit on the gift (around $25-50) and requiring that the gift come from a local store in our new SF neighborhood.
Here are some of the gifts we have exchanged in the past:
~ $100 BUDGET
Andrew's present to me: Gucci silk scarf (~$140, at the time, around $195 now)
Okay, he went over budget, but I'm not complaining! I love this scarf, and even though I basically only remember to wear it around Valentine's day, it could work at any time. I'm planning to wear it as part of my Valentine's day lewk this year too!
My present to Andrew: a bonsai olive tree (~$100 in CA where you can't order plants, but cheaper to ship to other states!)
This was one of the gifts I have been most proud of. I knew Andrew would love it, and it's something totally unexpected and he had no idea that I would get it for him. A gift he never knew he needed! Our bonsai was thriving up until we left our apartment for 2 weeks to go to Montana and didn't think to leave the bonsai with anyone. Now, a year later, he is struggling, but we are not giving up on him! Bonsai trees are fun to watch and take care of, but they clearly need a lot of attention. This tree requires showering just about every day, and it's really hard to pay attention to that or make sure that happens especially when you go on vacation. We're thinking now that we have a balcony, he might be happier outside!