
The Title: 
HALIKA DITO means COME HERE in tagalog, the native language of the Philippines.  I invite you to "come here" for home, fashion, and life styling content.

The Content: 
In thinking about what gets me excited in life, what I think about when I'm not working at my full-time job, it's planning outfits or planning how to decorate my space.  I find that my curation of items for both fashion and home styling can help others live a less basic life.  I want to share my ideas and finds with others in a fun and funny and accessible way.  I'm not the typical skinny white girl with an affinity for starbucks.  I'm in San Francisco, but I don't subscribe to wearing only Madewell, Everlane, or Patagonia.  I want to use this as a platform to highlight my personal and home lewks and how I like to stand out in this City.  I also have a poshmark shop (@halikadito on posh) where I buy and sell clothes online. 

The Girl:
I have always wanted to be a blogger but never brave enough to start.   There are always too many doubts in my mind, that it's too saturated now or people will judge me for it.  However, I know it's something that I feel passionate about doing so I am just going to start (over) and see where it takes me.  Some of you may know that I had a pizza blog during law school called "Girl Meets Pizza."  That lasted until the copious amounts of pizza started negatively affecting my weight.  I started another blog after law school in my first years of practice called "Best, Isabella," named for the salutation I had grown accustomed to using when emailing for work.  Now, "Halika Dito" is sort of an amalgamation of all that, a nod to my Filipino upbringing but also calling out to people to "come here" for home and styling content. 

That's it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You can email me at irlblogirl@gmail.com.


DISCLOSURE: This is a personal blog. All views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own and may not reflect those of my employer.